Op looking for a valuation report that meets all the requirements set by mortgage lenders? Then you have come to the right place at the Valuation Specialist. We are recognised as competent appraisers by umbrella bodies such as the NWWI and our valuations are therefore accepted by lenders. Our valuations are also accepted by the National Mortgage Guarantee.
Do you have your eye on a property and want to act fast? Then take contact with us. We will process your request quickly, so that you will receive your valuation report very soon. That way, you can go to the bank quickly and your dream home is one step closer!
Feel free to contact us with no obligation and tell us your requirements. If together we decide to send an appraiser over, you will have an expert report within five working days (?). This report is delivered digitally(?) making it convenient to share with your mortgage lender, intermediary or insurer.
The Valuation Specialist is affiliated with the NWWI who monitor the quality of valuations and ensure compliance with the rules. We are also affiliated with the NRVT, NVM and VastgoedCert.
Good to know: all our appraisers are familiar with the local market so they know the right price tag specifically for your property.