Net a little south of our capital, a stone's throw from Schiphol Airport, the housing market in Amstelveen has been booming business for years. Due to its convenient location in relation to the Randstad and the various facilities nearby, valuing houses in this medium-sized city requires the necessary experience and specialist knowledge.
We have a very good picture of the market due to our years of experience valuing houses in Amstelveen. This applies to all districts in this beautiful city. So you have come to the right place for house valuations throughout Amstelveen. The city that will reach its 100,000e resident may welcome was voted most attractive city to live in in 2003. This may seem irrelevant, but it does affect the housing market. And therefore also for house valuations in Amstelveen.
If you plan to put your house for sale in Amstelveen soon, you are undoubtedly curious about the value of your home. You can simply call in an appraiser, but a specialist who knows the region will be able to determine the value much better. Our appraisal specialists know Amstelveen like the back of their hand and know everything about the housing market and the region.
Looking for an appraiser specialising in the Amstelveen housing market? Take contact with us for more information on valuing your property.